The show was opened by Mick Foley, who was immediately joined by two-time ladies' champion, Charlotte. Charlotte requested an expression of remorse from Dana, which she got before affirming that she's crossed out her mentorship to her. Sasha Banks then advanced toward the ring, to advise Charlotte to her face that she was prepared and was desiring her title at Clash of Champions. Bayley then advanced toward the ring, to say that she too merits a title match, and perhaps it ought to be her that has first dibs. Mick had enough of the quibbling, and chose to make a move. He chose that the victor of a triple risk match between Bayley, Sasha Banks and an extremely overcome Dana Brooke would go up against Charlotte at Clash of Champions for the Raw ladies' title. That match would be up next, and the champion would be on critique. 

Bayley versus Dana Brooke versus Sasha Banks 

Dana shockingly began the match on top, as she could toss Bayley out of the ring and focus on Sasha. Bayley took as much time as necessary to recuperate admirably, as she was then ready to re-enter the ring and assault Dana Brook. Dana was inevitably dealt with, and it was down to Sasha and Bayley to square off in the ring. 

The match continued after the break, yet Dana was back in the ring and back on top of the match, concentrating on Bayley. She then twofold clotheslined both ladies, before endeavoring various pinfalls, none of which were fruitful. This provoked Sasha to assume responsibility once more, as she could recoup and secure in the bank articulation, yet Bayley separated the accommodation. Sasha stayed alarm and exploited Bayley to move her up and get the win by means of Pinfall. 

Sasha Banks will confront Charlotte at Clash of Champions for the Raw Women's Title. 

Next up it was the ideal opportunity for some more Bo Dallas, as he went head to head against more Local Competition, Brandon Scott. Bo violently started kneeing his adversary in the gut, before hammering into the matt over and again. He then hit what seemed to be an underhook swinging neck breaker, and grabbed a win with no inconvenience by any means. He is right now on a 2 match winning streak. 

Up next, it was to be Sami Zayn including on Chris Jericho's highlight reel. Kevin Owens' previous closest companion on his present closest companions appear. Jericho talked about how Zayn was plainly envious of his closest companion and longest-ruling Universal Champion ever, Kevin Owens. Zayn discredited that case, and let him know that he was just Kevin Owens' bitch. Jericho didn't take to benevolently to this, so he smacked him in the face with his telephone before hitting him with a codebreaker, leaving Zayn leveled in the ring. 

Best of Seven Series - Match Five 

Cesaro versus Sheamus 

It was then time for the fifth match in the best of 7 arrangement amongst Cesaro and Sheamus, with Cesaro 3-1 down. Rout here would mean he loses the arrangement. The match started with Sheamus on top, yet it didn't take long for the Swiss Superman to recapture control, sending the Irishman out of the ring before conveying horrendous European uppercuts. Cesaro kept on commanding after the break, and was inevitably ready to secure in the sharpshooter, however because of lower back agony he couldn't secure it completely. Cesaro was in the end move up Sheamus into a pin, and utilized the ropes for influence to get the win and convey the score to 3-2 in the arrangement. 

Nia Jax versus Alicia Fox 

Next, it was the ideal opportunity for Nia Jax to confront Alicia Foxx, as she requested a match a week ago after Nia brutalized her companion a week ago. Nia completely annihilated Alicia, lifting her up and driving her into the turnbuckles. The activity then spilled to the outside, and Nia Jax pushed her through the timekeeper's zone, rendering Alicia totally still and getting a win by means of TKO. 

The New Day (Xavier Woods and Kof Kingston) versus Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson 

Label group activity took after, with the New Day going up against Gallows and Anderson. Anderson began with Xavier Woods, yet labels were rapidly made on both groups and Gallows started ruling Kofi, and the label champs looked in a bad position. Kofi truly attempted to get in any offense at all as Luke Gallows has complete control over him. Both groups made a tag be that as it may, and Xavier had a brief resurgence. 

He could plant Anderson with a base rope springboard DDT, before hitting an elbow drop from the top rope, however was denied a sticking endeavor by Gallows. Scaffold's intrusion was sufficient for Anderson to recoup, and the two promoted to hit the Magic Killer on Xavier Woods to get the win. On the off chance that they can do that at Clash of Champions, then New Day are in genuine, genuine inconvenience. 

Jinder Mahal versus Jack Swagger 

Jinder Mahal took to the ring next, as he went up against a returning Jack Swagger. Jinder began the match on top, forcefully raking the eyes of Swagger before the two took the outside, which demonstrated immoderate to Swagger as Mahal could look after control. Jinder Mahal was then ready to hit a swinging neckbreaker and get a major win by means of pinfall over Jack Swagger. 

Enzo Amore versus Epico 

Next up, it was the ideal opportunity for Enzo Amore to go up against Epico after the sparkling stars crushed Enzo and Cass a week ago. Epico shockingly began the match well, having the capacity to hit Enzo with various suplex's before fizzling a pin endeavor. Enzo started to recuperate, yet Primo could divert him and help his sibling get the win by holding the feet of Enzo Amore. The Shining Stars truly appear to have Enzo + Cass' number. 


Kevin Owens versus Roman Reigns 
It was then time for the headliner, With Roman Reigns engaging Kevin Owens for the opportunity to be added to the Universal Title match at Clash of Champions. Roman began the match on top, in run of the mill Reigns design. Roman took him to the outside and conveyed a few awful head-butts. The champ didn't stay down for long, however as he started focusing on Roman's lower back, before securing a tight headlock which gradually depleted Reigns. Owens was then marginally on the back foot as the match spilt to the outside, however the champion demonstrated incredible flexibility and hammered Reigns' head into the ring post. 

Roman kept up his recuperation after the break, yet the activity spilt to the outside. Owens paused for a moment to brag, however was assaulted from behind by Seth Rollins, which would give Owens the win by means of DQ and keep Reigns out of the match. GM Mick Foley was having none of it, and requested the match be restarted. The worked flawlessly for Reigns, as he could recover the champion in the ring and convey a Samoan drop. Rules then attempted to go high hazard, and fizzled pitiably as Owens hits a Fisherman's Suplex from the center rope, before hitting a frog sprinkle from the top rope, however was still not able to get the pin. Owens was then capable hit then cannonball into the corner, twice. Rules could recuperate again be that as it may, however Rusev advanced toward the ring to get more reprisal. Rules broadcast the assault and hit him with a superman punch, yet the diversion demonstrated unreasonable and Owens could hit the pop-up powerbomb and get the win to guarantee it's a one-on-one match at Clash of Champions. 

Rusev wasn't done there, and torqued Reigns in the award until the arbitrator constrained the break. Rusev is back, and obviously implies business here against Roman. 

So that is all from the current week's Raw! What a gigantic return by Rusev as the KO Show proceeds.

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